This application requires modern JavaScript and cutting-edge web standards.

🃏️ [Matrix] Sticker Helper WIP Version, created with 💕️ and ☕️ by OctoSpacc.
Made possible by Maunium sticker picker, brought to paper thanks to PaperCSS.

Note: importing stickers from files/Telegram is currently experimental, and error handling isn't the best. Make sure that your Internet connection is stable when uploading/importing stickers, and be patient if it seems like the app does nothing for some time. Don't navigate around the app when stickers are loading or importing.

Help and Information

What is [Matrix] Sticker Helper?

I created this app for the pursuit of an user-friendly way of managing sticker packs on Matrix, that could also work well for other people, after finding the maunium/stickerpicker import procedure uncomfortable.
Read more (and follow the development I guess?) at

How can I add sticker packs to my collection?

To add new sticker packs to your collection, you can use the dedicated section, which offers 2 options. You can:

Currently, you can import common picture files (JPEG, WebP, PNG, GIF) from your device's storage as stickers. Sooner, you will be able to also import media files from URL, as well as importing video files (like MP4) for automatic conversion into GIF.
Importing stickers and packs from Matrix messages, or the LINE store, is planned for the more distant future.

Stickerpicker information

This project is not a substitute of maunium/stickerpicker, is not affiliated with it, and doesn't use any part of its code, but rather complements it.
It sets that up as the sticker picker integration for your Matrix account if you don't have it already, and allows you to manage your sticker collection in a way that is fully compatible with it, but without the manual setup.

Open-source, licensing, security, collaboration

This app is open-source, and licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3. To modify the app, or to check its code for security reasons, you can simply "View Page Source" in your browser.
This project additionally relies on the following third-party libraries:

Additionally, if there is any issue you want to report, tip you want to give, or if you want to send a pull request, feel free to do so at the OctoSpacc Hub repository: (or contact me via Matrix, see below).

Other help

There is no one around to actually help here though... yet. Maybe join my Matrix space, if you need some support:







Debug Log